Welcome to The Village
Hello there!
We are three friends who live, create and play on Menang Noongar Boodja in the Great Southern region of WA. We were brought together by creativity and love for nature and created a vision for a safe, inclusive business for art, connection and workshops. Each with a diverse set of skills and experience, the team compliment each other to create a supportive creative community and a sustainable business in the arts.
The Village in Kinjarling (Albany) nurtures a flourishing creative community by offering diverse workshops and events. Embracing the magic of nature and committed to sustainability, The Village offers a range of activities that inspire creative practices. The Village fosters a safe and inclusive space for people to learn new skills and explore their creative potential, while forging meaningful connections to the environment and the local community.
With love,
Amy Kerr, Zoe Kerr and Kaysanne Knuckey

The Village Sisters

Kaysanne Knuckey
Hello fellow creative creatures!
My name is Kaysanne (or Kay) and I feel very grateful to be involved in the beautiful community that is The Village.
I am constantly inspired by local flora, fauna and seasonal changes to the landscapes. I am grateful to live on Menang Noongar Boodja in between two ancient mountain ranges, Porongurup and Koi Kyenunu-ruff; it is here that I create art from my home studio (@Carinyah_Studio) which reflects the views that I see on my morning and evening walks with my dog Poppy, in our ever growing garden and in the bush.
My creations always have a connection to nature and recently my interests have moved into herbalism and permaculture. In 2023, I started ‘The Seasonal Garden Club’ (a garden club meeting six times a year around the Noongar seasons), as a way to connect to community and share my love of gardening. My husband and I have embarked on a regenerative project, restoring 28 acres of mostly cleared land back to native bushland.
My art is a love letter to nature, an ode to the simplicity in the 'day-to'day' and a celebration of reusing / recycling. I hope to share these values through my work with The Village.
Amy Kerr
Hi, I'm Amy (or A)!
I'm passionate about creativity, the environment and connecting with community. These passions guide the life I live, in deep connection with nature and art, filled with gratitude and admiration. I strive to share these passions by bringing people together through art and creating, while always holding a great appreciation and respect for nature and acknowledging and mitigating the impact humans have.
I love to create art, especially pottery which I do from my home in Torbay on Menang Noongar Boodja, surrounded by peppy trees, rescue animals and karaks in the Summer.
I hope to bring my experiences and passions to the Village to continue to bring people together through creativity while in deep respect for Mother Earth.

Zoe Kerr
Hello and welcome! I am glad you are here.
I’m Zoe, and I am super excited and proud to introduce myself as one of The Village Sisters.
I live in Kinjarling (Albany) and am so privileged to be here on this land. I would like to acknowledge that we are not the first peoples building community and connecting through creative practices on Menang Noongar Boodja and am inspired by and aim to pay homage to this resilient and creative culture through the work we are doing with The Village.
I feel strongly connected to the natural world, cherish the beauty that is around me and am determined to protect and preserve the environment. Like essayist, Edward Abby advises, “Be as I am - a reluctant enthusiast....a part-time crusader, a half-hearted fanatic. Save the other half of yourselves and your lives for pleasure and adventure. It is not enough to fight for the land; it is even more important to enjoy it. While you can. While it’s still here.”
I care deeply for the world I live in and all its creatures, and it is through creative practice and building community that I intend to celebrate the environment and all its magic, and to engage in creative and playful practice. I highly value community, and love connecting through creating.
I am incredibly excited to be a part of The Village, and I thank you for joining us here.