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Creating Meaningful Christmas Traditions

In some ways, I'm a bit of a Christmas Grinch.

I hold no religious beliefs, I think Santa is a bit of a creepy concept and I know that Christmas is over-commercialised and unsustainable. The mostly plastic decorations are contributing to enormous landfill problems and it is unfair to teach kids that 'how good they are' determines how many presents they will get, rather than the status of their parents bank account.

But... I also love Christmas.

~ I love waking up that morning and heading to the beach for that cool summer early morning plunge.

~ I love drinking champagne under the shade shelter on the beach with old family friends, a tradition that has been running for as long as I have been alive.

~ I love crafting thoughtful gifts for my dearest friends and seeing the smiles it brings to their faces.

~ I love the food (so much food!) I love the excessive trifle that I make and we eat for days after.

~ I love the phone calls to family afar.

~ I love the joy that fills everyone at this time of the year - excited for a break from work and a new year on the way.

~ I love the time my husband gets off work and we get to soak in all the sleepy late mornings in bed together.

My favourite Christmas song is 'White Wine in the Sun' by Tim Minchin, which opitimises so many of my feelings about Christmas and usually elicits a few tears by the end of the song.

'I really like Christmas

It's sentimental, I know

But I just really like it


I'm not expecting big presents

The old combination of socks, jocks and chocolates

Is just fine by me

Cause I'll be seeing my dad

My brother and sisters, my gran and my mum

They'll be drinking white wine in the sun'

My friend Amy (who is a new Mum) and I (with bub in utero) have often had conversations about how to celebrate Christmas with children in a way that is the most meaningful. Here is a few strategies we have deliberated over:

  • Quality over Quantity - this particularly applies to gift giving, but also food and activities.

  • Make your own decorations and reuse what you already have. It is so easy and gets the whole family involved.

  • Celebrate the season, nature and what is special about the place we live in. Here on Menang Noongar Boodja at Christmas time - most notable is the Moodja (Nuytsia Floribunda or the WA Xmas tree) in flower, the Karrak (Red-Tail Cockatoo), the Splendid Fairy Wrens in abundance and the still summer mornings.

  • Make gifts. Even if they are silly, or just something small like a homemade card, these gifts are so much more meaningful.

  • Celebrate the value of family and friends. What and who are you grateful for ?

  • Give to those less fortunate if you can. Most of us are very lucky to live where we live, with the means that we have.

  • Have an afternoon sleep on Christmas day. This was a family tradition that my parents pushed in our house growing up, and as an adult I highly rate it.

  • Take it easy. Don't go overboard. Avoid too much travel. My favourite Christmas's are usually the ones that were the most low key.

Enjoy this December and prioritise what is most important for you and your loved ones. I hope it is a celebration of family and friends, nature, creativity and home.

Sending love, rest and joy.


- 28 November 2023


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The Village acknowledges the traditional custodians of Menang Noongar Boodja, and pays respect to elders past, present and emerging. The traditions of building community, connecting creatively, and engaging with art and craft practices, is what The Village pays homage to. Always was, always will be.



© 2021 The Village. All rights reserved.



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